The views expressed herein do not constitute research, investment advice or trade recommendations and do not necessarily represent the views of all AB portfolio-management teams. Views are subject to revision over time.
其中某些基金可投資於新興市場,因此可能涉及較高風險(例如流動性、政治及經濟風險),而波幅率亦高於已發展市場的投資組合。貨幣匯率波動可能對投資的價值造成負面影響或降低回報率 - 這些風險在新興市場或發展中市場更為明顯。
其中某些基金可能只限投資於單一市場或行業類別,所以其集中風險可能高於分散性較大的基金。其中某些基金投資於固定收益證券,因此可能涉及利率風險、信用風險、信貸評級下調風險、利率風險、低評級及無評級證券風險。低評級及無評級工具被視為須承受本金及利息損失的更大風險。管理公司擁有全權及絕對酌情權修改派息政策,有關派息政策的修改須獲證監會預先批准,及向投資者發出不少於一個月的事先通知。派息率並非基金回報的指標。管理公司可酌情從基金資本中支付派息,派息金額可能等於從投資者的原本投資金額中退回或提取部分款項,或從投資者的原本投資金額的資本收益中提取,有關股息可能導致每股資產淨值即時下跌。就人民幣類別,不能保證人民幣不會貶值,投資者於本子基金的人民幣類別的投資價值可能會受到不利影響。並非以人民幣為基礎(例如香港)的投資者在投資於人民幣類別時可能須將港元或其他貨幣兌換為人民幣。在該等過中,當收到人民幣贖回所得款項及/或人民幣分派(如有)時,如人民幣兌港元或其他貨幣貶值,投資者將招致貨幣兌換費用,並可能蒙受損失。就人民幣對沖類別而言,投資者須承擔有關對沖費用,而視乎當時市況,有關費用金額可能相當龐大,並將反映於相關類別的資產值。然對沖策略可保障投資者免受本子基金的基準貨幣及/或非人民幣計值相關投資的其他貨幣兌人民幣的價值下跌所影響,但另一方面,該策略將限制人民幣對沖類別受惠於基準貨幣/非人民幣計值相關投資的其他貨幣兌人民幣升值時可能取得的任何潛在收益。基金價格可反覆波,可在一段短時期內顯著下跌。 閣下於此等基金的投資可能會價值全失。有關相關基金的更詳細資料,包括其投資目標、風險因素及各項費用等,請參閱認購章程。投資者不應單憑本網站內的資料而作出投資決定。
以下網頁所載資料僅供香港居民使用。該等資料乃由聯博香港有限公司 發行。網頁中所指之各個基金已獲得香港認可地位,獲准在香港發售。證監會認可並不等同推薦或認許本傘子基金或此等基金,亦不保證本傘子基金或任何基金的商業素質或其 表現。這並不意味本傘子基金及此等基金適合所有投資者並不認許其適合任何特定投資者或類別投資者。這也是聯博香港有限公司的單位信託基金系列,依香港法律規定之開方式單位信託基金以傘型單位信託基金方式所建立。閣下繼續瀏灠網頁,即表示聲明和保證閣下乃香港居民,或閣下所在的司法管轄區的有關法例允許 閣下閱覽網頁資料。投資者應注意,此網頁內容僅供參考,並不在美國以及禁止有關活動的任何司法管轄區構成發出出售聯博基金之要約,亦非為招攬購買聯博基金之要約。
申請認購聯博基金單位,必須採用有關認購章程所附上的申請表格。有關認購章程副本可向聯博香港有限公司 (AllianceBernstein Hong Kong Limited) 及其委任的分銷商索取。投資者在決定認購或購買聯博基金單位之前,應先細閱認購章程所載有關詳細容,當中包括風險因素。投資基金涉及投資風險,包括可能損失投資本金。基金單位價值及其收益可升可跌。聯博基金、AllianceBernstein L.P.、其關聯公司、附屬公司及他們所經營基金之過往表現未必可作為聯博基金、AllianceBernstein L.P.、其關聯公司、附屬公司及他們所經營基金日後表現的指引。
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
Data is for 2021.
*Measures change in price and estimated 2021 earnings from January 2020 to June 2021
As of June 30, 2021
Source: FactSet, MSCI and AllianceBernstein (AB)
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
As of June 30, 2021
Source: Bloomberg and AllianceBernstein (AB)
The views expressed herein do not constitute research, investment advice or trade recommendations and do not necessarily represent the views of all AB portfolio-management teams. Views are subject to revision over time.
Investment involves risk. The information contained here reflects the views of AllianceBernstein L.P. or its affiliates and sources it believes are reliable as of the date of this publication. AllianceBernstein L.P. makes no representations or warranties concerning the accuracy of any data. There is no guarantee that any projection, forecast or opinion in this material will be realized. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The views expressed here may change at any time after the date of this publication. This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. AllianceBernstein L.P. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. It does not take an investor's personal investment objectives or financial situation into account; investors should discuss their individual circumstances with appropriate professionals before making any decisions. This information should not be construed as sales or marketing material or an offer of solicitation for the purchase or sale of, any financial instrument, product or service sponsored by AllianceBernstein or its affiliates. This presentation is issued by AllianceBernstein Hong Kong Limited (聯博香港有限公司) and has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission.
Kent Hargis is the Chief Investment Officer of Strategic Core Equities. He created the Strategic Core platform and has been managing the Global, International and US Strategic Core portfolios since their inception in 2011. Hargis has also been Portfolio Manager for the Global Low Carbon Strategy Portfolio since 2022. Previously, he managed the Emerging Portfolio from 2015 through 2023. Hargis was global head of quantitative research for Equities from 2009 through 2014, with responsibility for directing research and the application of risk and return models across the firm’s equity portfolios. He joined AB in 2003 as a senior quantitative strategist. Prior to that, Hargis was chief portfolio strategist for global emerging markets at Goldman Sachs. From 1995 through 1998, he was assistant professor of international finance in the graduate program at the University of South Carolina, where he published extensively on various international investment topics. Hargis holds a PhD in economics from the University of Illinois, where his research focused on international finance, econometrics and emerging financial markets. Location: New York
Ian McNaugher is a Research Coordinator (US) and Senior Research Analyst on the Strategic Core Equities investment team, covering multiple industries, including US utilities and aerospace & defense. Previously, he served as a research analyst on the Value Equities team, and before that served as a generalist and portfolio analyst for the Strategic Core portfolios, dating back to the inception of the platform in 2011. McNaugher joined AB in 2006, originally working in portfolio management and operations. He holds a BA in economics and English from Bucknell University and an MBA in finance from the Leonard N. Stern School of Business at New York University. McNaugher is a CFA charterholder. Location: New York
Sammy Suzuki is Head of Emerging Markets Equities, responsible for overseeing AB’s emerging-markets equity business and instrumental in the formation and shaping of AB’s Emerging Markets Equity platform. He was also a key architect of the Strategic Core platform and has managed the Emerging Markets Portfolio since its inception in 2012, and the Global, International and US portfolios from 2015 to 2023. Suzuki has managed portfolios since 2004. From 2010 to 2012, he also held the role of director of Fundamental Value Research, where he managed 50 fundamental analysts globally. Prior to managing portfolios, Suzuki spent a decade as a research analyst. He joined AB in 1994 as a research associate, first covering the capital equipment industry, followed by the technology and global automotive industries. Before joining the firm, Suzuki was a consultant at Bain & Company. He holds both a BSE (magna cum laude) in materials engineering from the School of Engineering and Applied Science, and a BS (magna cum laude) in finance from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Suzuki is a CFA charterholder and was previously a member of the Board of the CFA Society New York. He currently serves on the Board of the Association of Asian American Investment Managers. Location: New York
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聯博香港有限公司(AllianceBernstein Hong Kong Limited)是 AllianceBernstein 的香港代表,代理其盧森堡註冊的離岸基金;有關基金已獲證監會 (SFC) 認可於香港銷售。聯博香港有限公司也是聯博(香港)單位信託基金系列及其子基金的投資管理人;系列依香港法律規定之開放式單位信託基金以傘型單位信託基金方式所建立。欲查詢一般資料或認購詳情,請致電2918 7888。
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